Frequently Asked Questions

We get these questions a lot. Here are our best answers...

What can a Waterjet Cut?

Anything! Literally any material can be cut with a waterjet. As long as it doesn't fall apart or fracture it can be cut with a waterjet. Capacities up to 60x120x6" from Aluminum to Zinc we can cut anything. (we will not cut heavy metals or other toxic materials)

Why Waterjet vs other technologies?

Waterjet CNC cutting is the premier method for cutting most materials. There is no heat affected zone that can affect temper and cause work hardening so the machinists prefer waterjet cuts over laser, plasma, and torch cutting. The waterjet is ideal for composites that are difficult to cut on a CNC router. The narrow kerf allows higher yields.

What types of files can you work with?

Our ideal file is a dxf file in imperial units with only the cut profile (no dimensional data). We can also use Illustrator (.ai), .svg, .stl, .sldprt, and most other CAD files (except for Corel Draw).

I don't have a file, what do I do?

Our engineers can reverse engineer any flat part. If your part is small enough to fit on a standard printer / scanner, you can send us a pdf of the scan. If the part is larger you can either trace it on white paper, or bring it in for us. We have a 36" wide roll feed scanner to convert traces of large parts with high accuracy. If you can leave the part with us until the job is complete that is preferred. We will laser cut a paper template to verify the conversion is accurate before we cut your parts out of the material of your choice.

How to submit a RFQ

While we accept walk in's, and phone requests, we prefer to have an email to [email protected]. Ideal RFQs have the part numbers, quantity of each part, thickness and material type of each part, .pdf prints of the parts to verify the CAD file import and perform FAI and Final inspections, and if you are supplying material or we will supply.

How does a Waterjet Work?

The Omax waterjet works by using a 50 to 100hp electric motor to drive a 3 piston pump. This pump feeds pressurized water through stainless steel tubing to the cutting head. In the cutting head there is a diamond orifice that generates the 50,000-60,000psi of water pressure and increasing the speed of the water to roughly 2000mph. Immediately after this orifice there is an expansion to generate a venturi effect and pull in abrasive garnet at about 1lb per minute. The garnet is very similar to 80 grit sandpaper, essentially creating very high speed liquid sandpaper. This creates a kerf (width of cut) to between 0.030” and 0.040” depending on the machine. This high speed “liquid sandpaper” will cut nearly anything up to about 6 or 7” thick.

Part Nesting Requirements

Waterjet cutting is intense and the sheets must be clamped to prevent movement. Because of this we do not generally "common cut" where one cut is shared by 2 parts. We prefer 0.5" border spacing and 0.25" part spacing. We can bring these down to about 0.1" for both depending on the material and part sizes. We have automatic nesting software and it's generally best to let us nest your parts.

Turn Around Time

Our goal is to get estimates send out within 24-48 hours, but sometimes difficult to source materials take more time. We will quote the current lead time with the estimate. This is generally 3-15 days depending on the size of your job and our current work load. We offer Expedite services for an additional fee that can be as fast as same or next day.

Do I supply material?

At least 80% of our customers have us source and supply the materials. We typically get quotes from 3-5 material vendors and stock a variety of common materials. The customers that supply their own material are usually aerospace / spacecraft companies, or other fab shops that already have material. There are additional fees when multiple small piece are supplied instead of single piece / sheet for the job.

Quality Systems, Certs, and CoC's

We offer an option to process your job through our quality systems. We have 100% material traceability, FAI (First Article Inspection), and Certificates of Conformance. Let us know if you require processing through our Quality System.

Can't find an answer to your question?

We'd love to answer it for you personally. Just email [email protected] or call 760-471-2600